Saturday, October 8, 2011

Article 3- Siri Voice Recognition

Article Snapshot: Apple iPhone 4S personal assistant: Siri
By: Marguerite Reardon October 4, 2011
Apple demonstrated an intelligent voice recognition app that turns the  pihone 4S into a personal assistant.
The app, which uses natural language, is still in beta tests. But it will likely become a feature on the soon-to-be-released iPhone 4S. Scott Forstall, head of Apple iOS, spent a considerable amount of time demonstrating the new app at the Apple event in Cupertino, Calif., on Tuesday.
By simply holding down the home or "I" button on the device, users can launch the app and be given a list of commands that will allow them to play songs, call people, create text messages, set up meetings and reminders, get directions, and dictate e-mails by simply speaking at their phones. Other commands that can be activated by voice are checking the weather and stock prices, setting alarms, looking up addresses, writing notes in the Notes app, and searching the Web.

There is no limit on how to use this technology and no media constraints. Think of the power of integration with NFC (Near Fear Communication device). Imagine going to the grocery store and starting the purchase of a product without taking your wallet where NFC auto detects the potential purchase from prompts of register and credit card inputs: Siri prompts: would u like to use a purchase (your answer YES), Siri answers: please confirm your password. You type it in (security data should never be a audible attribute ???). Siri prompts: confirm purchase: your response YES.

There could also be the introduction of Siri to the car in combination with Satellite radio and any online musical purchasing. Imaging driving along and you hear this hot new song. You prompt Siri: Siri?  Siri answers: yes, confirm user. Your response: Mizlhojo1, please purchase song. Siri confirms song currently playing on Sirius/XM: Artist Beyonce, Song: Best Thing I Never Had; is this the song you would like to purchase? Your response: Yes.  Siri prompts: your password,etc

The thought is that a lot of day to day conveniences of instant gratification could be at our fingertips? Does this add greater flexibility to our lives or more complexity?

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